Episode 75 - Tharin White, Founder of EYNTK

EYNTK website: https://www.EYNTK.info Small Pond Productions: https://www.smallpond.productions In this captivating episode of The ProGuide, listeners are treated to a deep dive into the crossroads of creativity, technology, and business with the multifaceted @TharinWhite From his beginnings as a reporter to his ascension to media manager, Whiteā€™s journey is nothing short of inspiring. His latest venture, EYNTK (Everything You Need to Know), is a testament to his expertise, covering travel, food, lifestyle, and after-hours in the Orlando area. The episode delves into the nuances of creating a diversified content platform and the strategic vision behind EYntkā€™s inception. White shares his perspective on the theme park industry, the future of immersive experiences, and the transformative impact of AI on customer service and content creation. This episode is a treasure trove for anyone keen on understanding the evolving dynamics of the digital landscape and the theme park industry.